Top 10 Career Options after 12th other than Engineering & Medical

Top 10 off-beat  Career Options after 12th other than  Engineering & Medical

This blog is aimed at providing insights into the top 10 career options after 12th. Based on our research these are 10 off-beat courses available for students across India who is looking for a stream other than Engineering and Medical. Above all, Since employability is a prime factor, in this blog we have also highlighted a few top colleges and companies that hire students from these fields.

  1. Actuary
  2. Digital Marketing
  3. Yoga
  4. Data Science
  5. Astronomy & Space Science
  6. Sound Engineer
  7. Culinary & Food Sciences
  8. Travel & Tourism
  9. Sustainability
  10. Pilot

1. Actuarial Science

First of all, Let us start with “Actuarial Science is a branch of science that deals with the use of mathematics and statistical methods combined with economics and financial knowledge to asses risk in finance, insurance, and other industries.”

Getting more popularity amongst Mathematics lovers. If you are looking to do something different and and have the dedication and commitment to work hard, the actuarial science is the course for you. Since, the rewards and remuneration offered for an actuarial analyst is unheard off with great demands from outside the country especially in Europe.

  • Courses in Actuarial Sciences are offered in Delhi and Mumbai.
  • Companies hiring in Actuarial Sciences :  Aviva, Max Life, SBI, IDBI, HDFC, Bajaj, Birla, etc. 

2. Digital Marketing


Due to the recent trend in Startups growing rapidly. Every small business  is moving away from traditional Marketing methods and investing more money and efforts in the digital real estate ( Websites). Therefore, the need for a Digital Marketing professional has grown multi-fold. A work of Digital Marketing professional includes website design & Creation, Social Media Marketing Campaigns, Search Engine Optimisation, etc

  • Courses in Digital Marketing : Online Courses like Linkedin Learning, Digital Vidya, Udemy, etc 
  • Companies hiring in Digital Marketing : Freelance Consultant, Full-time employees in most Startups and Marketing Team in Corporates.

3. Yoga


As a result of  the increased stress levels in people with unhealthy lifestyle, more people are turning towards Yoga & Meditation. As a result, we expect many regularised course to be trending In the near future. There are various universities offering bachelors course in Yoga in India and many foreign students enroll for these courses.

  • Courses in Yoga : S-Vyasa deemed university, Morjaji Desai National university of Yoga, Yoga institute of Santacruz
  • Companies hiring in Yoga : Self-employed jobs in Yoga Therapy, Yoga Instructor, Corporate counsellor for Yoga.

4. Astronomy & Space Science


Most of us who has looked up in the sky and wondered what could be there beyond what I see ,or rather fascinated about the Star-Wars series, it is possible to know answers for such questions. It is an extremely niche industry, but heavily funded industry by governments across the world. The industry is picking up pretty well by recent movies like interstellar, Martian, Gravity, etc that has inspired many young minds to take up a career in this field.

  • Courses in Astronomy : Indian institute of Astrophysics, Kent University, University of Toronto 
  • Companies hiring in Astronomy: ISRO, DRDO, Nasa, Space X

5. Sustainability & Environment


With the much needed attention towards climate change received from various governments across the world, Sustainability industry has flourished quite a bit. Sustainability is a vast topic including areas like ( Renewable Energy – Wind, Solar, Hydro, Fuel Cells, Bio-power, Tidal Energy,  OTEC, etc;  Automobiles – Electric Vehicles, Construction- Green Buildings, Energy Efficiencies and Environmental Sciences). If you are interested in Physics, Engineering and Analyst profiles, this is the job for you. I had worked in this industry and the learning is awesome. (in my top 3)

  • Courses in Sustainability : University of Southampton, TERI, VIT, Anna University, IIT Bombay
  • Companies hiring in Sustainability : Vestas, Gamesa-Siemens, GE, Envision, etc.

6. Culinary & Food Sciences


Everyone loves food and it is our basic necessity. People are exploring and inventing new taste buds each day. I always wondered why a Degree in Cooking has not got received as much importance as it deserves. Cooking undoubtedly is the oldest profession in the history of mankind. This is one of my top 3 picks for a career.

  • Courses in Culinary : Indian institute of Astrophysics, Kent University, University of Toronto, Johnson and Wales University, Institute of Hotel Management, Pusa, Culinary Academy of India,
  • Companies hiring in Culinary & Food Sciences: Mariotts, Taj, and All the Big Hotel industry, A personal Chef for celebrities.

7. Travel & Tourism


If you are adventurous and love explore the world, Why don’t you make it a career option? Nowadays with the help of travel Blogs, Instagram and facebook people are making enough money for a luxury living. Know the nuances of traveling and Tourism and one day you may own an invite only Island resort (This is one of my dream).

  • Courses in Travel & Tourism: Brigham Young University Hawaii , Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, Griffith University, Indian institute of Travel and Management, 
  • Companies hiring in Travel & Tourism: All Star Hotels, Travel and Tourism Companies like Expedia, Thomas cook, Trivago, etc

8. Airline Pilot


Along with the growth of Travel and tourism and Governments push towards last mile connectivity the number of people traveling has increased at a tremendous pace. And there is sudden surge for Airline Pilots for Domestic flights,  Air-force and also personal Jets. Furthermore,  Thanks to various movies, the job of a Pilot is considered quite fancy and due to this many young men and women are looking towards flying in the sky one day.

  • Courses in Pilot Study: Govt. Aviation Training institute, Indira Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics
  • Companies hiring in Pilot Study: Jet Airways, British Airways, Air India, etc

9. Sound Engineer


A Sound engineer would work with technical aspects of producing music & Sound . A sound engineer is an essential part of film as well as the music Industry. A sound engineer creates, mixes, modifies music using instruments and electronic devices. It is due to the hard work of a sound engineer, a movie gets all the applaud that it deserves.

  • Courses in Sound Engineering: University of Hartford, Seamedu School of Pro Expressionism, University of Greenwich
  • Companies hiring in Sound Engineering: Film Industry, Music Industry 

10. Data Sciences

Finally,  Big Data is a new trend in collecting, assessing and improvising Traditional technologies. Data Scientist is used to improve performance of a wind turbine, Forecast Weather conditions, Creating models for improving business efficiencies. The field offers exceptional employability.

  • Courses in Data Sciences: Online courses and class room courses in Mumbai
  • Companies hiring in Data Sciences: All Manufacturing companies cross industry
Kota Living Expenses

Kota Living Expenses

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